Whether in the round pen or one the phone, we provide the guidance you need to facilitate healing experiences for your clients and professional excellence for yourself and your staff.
Consultation- $150/hr
Help you work through a difficult case
Find solutions to a challenging professional situation
Apply Natural Lifemanship and trauma-informed principles to a case
Apply Natural Lifemanship and trauma-informed principles to work with your horse
Troubleshoot interactions. hang-ups, and problems with horses
Gain direction in working through an ethical dilemma
Develop a curriculum for group or event
Help you develop a treatment plan for specific clients and situations and much more.
We Specialize In:
Application of trauma-informed principles to clinical work in the company of horses
Assessments and the development and execution of treatment plans
Helping new equine assisted psychotherapy/learning practitioners apply their skills and knowledge to the interactions and relationships between client and horse
Consultations that apply toward Natural Lifemanship™ Certification
Working with clients through a trauma-informed lens with symptoms and diagnoses of dissociation, PTSD, anxiety, ADHD, RAD, ODD, personality disorders, and more.
Navigating the relationship and challenges that arise between equine professional and mental health professional
Welfare and care of equines in and outside of sessions
Facilitating sessions and client-led experiences that have a positive impact on equines
Entrepreneurial challenges specific to the field of equine assisted therapy and learning services
Much, much more. Contact us to find out if we can help you.